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MUST READ-Whatsapp Ma Msg. Delet Karya Pachhi Kem Vanchva…?

MUST READ-Whatsapp Ma Msg. Delet Karya Pachhi Kem Vanchva…?

Recently WhatsApp Messenger is a proprietary, cross-platform, encrypted instant messaging client for smartphones.It uses the Internet to send text messages, documents, PDF files, GIF images, video, user location and audio messages to other users using standard cellular mobile numbers.
As of February 2016, WhatsApp had a user base of one billion, making it the most popular messaging application.
WhatsApp Inc., based in Mountain View, California, was acquired by Facebook Inc. on February 19, 2014, for approximately US$19.3 billion

WhatsApp software automatically compares all the phone numbers from the device’s address book with its central database of WhatsApp users to automatically add contacts to the user’s WhatsApp contact list. Previously the Android and Nokia Series 40 versions used an MD5-hashed, reversed-version of the phone’s IMEI as password,[64] while the iOS version used the phone’s Wi-Fi MAC address instead of IMEI.A 2012 update now generates a random password on the server side

Here we update one important post about whatsapp. In this post you can Learn how to read whatsapp msg. after once delete msg.

In general, the higher the potential return, the higher the risk of potential loss.
Although some funds are less risky than others, all funds have some level of risk –
it’s never possible to diversify away all risk also 

even with so-called money market funds This is a fact for all investments.Each mutual fund has a predetermined investment objective that tailors the fund’s assets also regions of investments and investment strategies.
At the most basic level, there are three flavors of mutual funds also :
those that invest in stocks (equity funds) also those that invest in bonds (fixed-income funds),
Those that invest in both stocks and bonds (balanced funds), And those that seek the risk-free rate
(money market funds) also.


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