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Who can see your profile on WhatsApp, who can check it in this way

Who can see your profile on WhatsApp, who can check it in this way

Gadget Desk: There are many work features in the WhatsApp page and some are in testing in beta. But there is a feature mingling between all that lets the user realize who has checked his DP-profile picture. WhatsApp does not feature any security or alert, anyone can open your profile picture and save the photo. In this case, this feature can prove to be very useful.
* Find out who sees your WATSAP profile …

Even though this feature is not in the WhatsApp, but we show an app here that you can find out about. This app is called Whats Tracker Android users can install this free from Play Store, this app is available in Prose and PAD versions. In the Pro version you will see a list of visitors and visitors from the last 7 days, while the pad version has given this information immediately. However, for this, the user has to spend $ 1.99 (about 130 rupees).
* About Whats Tracker App …
– This app is designed by tamazons, this has so far designed 3 apps.
– It can be installed on Android 4.1 and above OS.
– The current version of the app is 2.6.7.
– These different spaces stop in different smartphones.
Who can see your profile on WhatsApp, who can check it in this way

Gadget Desk: There are many work features in the WhatsApp page and some are in testing in beta. But there is a feature mingling between all that lets the user realize who has checked his DP-profile picture. WhatsApp does not feature any security or alert, anyone can open your profile picture and save the photo. In this case, this feature can prove to be very useful.
* Find out who sees your WATSAP profile …

Even though this feature is not in the WhatsApp, but we show an app here that you can find out about. This app is called Whats Tracker Android users can install this free from Play Store, this app is available in Prose and PAD versions. In the Pro version you will see a list of visitors and visitors from the last 7 days, while the pad version has given this information immediately. However, for this, the user has to spend $ 1.99 (about 130 rupees).
* About Whats Tracker App …
– This app is designed by tamazons, this has so far designed 3 apps.
– It can be installed on Android 4.1 and above OS.
– The current version of the app is 2.6.7.
– These different spaces stop in different smartphones.
Who can see your profile on WhatsApp, who can check it in this way

Gadget Desk: There are many work features in the WhatsApp page and some are in testing in beta. But there is a feature mingling between all that lets the user realize who has checked his DP-profile picture. WhatsApp does not feature any security or alert, anyone can open your profile picture and save the photo. In this case, this feature can prove to be very useful.
* Find out who sees your WATSAP profile …

Even though this feature is not in the WhatsApp, but we show an app here that you can find out about. This app is called Whats Tracker Android users can install this free from Play Store, this app is available in Prose and PAD versions. In the Pro version you will see a list of visitors and visitors from the last 7 days, while the pad version has given this information immediately. However, for this, the user has to spend $ 1.99 (about 130 rupees).
* About Whats Tracker App …
– This app is designed by tamazons, this has so far designed 3 apps.
– It can be installed on Android 4.1 and above OS.
– The current version of the app is 2.6.7.
– These different spaces stop in different smartphones.

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